
NEMPN members are encouraged to join an EMP Chapter or start one if their region does not have one yet. Chapters have their own governing body, but work in collaboration with NEMPN through the Director of Operations. Chapters may be regional or networking-focused, professional development-focused, multipurpose and/or virtual. 

A chapter, as defined by NEMPN, is a group with its own leadership structure and independently operating model that shares the mission and vision of the National EMP Network in serving museum professionals, either specifically emerging museum professionals or other configurations of the acronym ‘EMP’. Chapters affiliated with NEMPN receive varying degrees of support from the national organization, as outlined in our network levels section of the guide. 

NEMPN Chapters are across the United States & Canada.

Find a Chapter

If there isn’t an EMP Chapter in your city and you would like to start one, please complete this form .

Western Region

Southwest Region

  • Arizona/Greater Phoenix Emerging Museum Professionals: Facebook

  • Austin Emerging Museum Professionals: Facebook

  • Houston Emerging Museum Professionals: Facebook

  • Museum Emerging Leaders of Texas: Facebook

  • North Texas Emerging Museum Professionals: Facebook

  • San Antonio Emerging Museum Professionals: Facebook

Midwest Region

International Groups

  • EMP/PEM (Emerging Museum Professionals / Professionnels émergents des musées) Canada : Website | Facebook

  • GOEMP (Group of Ontario Emerging Museum Professionals): Facebook

Northeast Region

Southeast Region

Start a Chapter

If there isn’t an EMP Chapter in your city and you would like to start one, please complete this form . If you do not receive a response in 3-5 business days, please email

Each Chapter of The National EMP Network was started by an EMP just like you! Individuals who desired to connect with peers and share resources, and maybe hang out. By becoming a part of NEMPN, you are strengthening the growing community of support among museum professionals.

If no EMP chapter already exists in your area, you may consider starting your own EMP chapter. Starting an EMP chapter is an undertaking that should not be taken lightly, as it will take time and effort for an EMP chapter to succeed. NEMPN leadership is here to make sure that your chapter receives all of the support it needs to grow and thrive.


As you begin to flesh out your ideas for your chapter, please remember these important tips and nuggets of advice!

Don’t go it alone.

The museum field is HUGE and the EMP community overflows with interested folks who want to connect with one another. You do not have to go through the chapter development process alone. Talk to EMPs in your workplace, network, or local community. If you haven’t been able to find anyone else to support you in the development of your chapter, connect with your Regional Director as they can help you find the support of a mentoring chapter, help put out a call for support, and more. 

Ask us for help.

This point leads from the first point. Your Operations Director is here to help. They are invested in making sure that your region is supporting any interested EMP. Even if it ends up that creating a chapter is not the best thing for your community, our Operations Director can connect you with another chapter or connect you with a state or regional organization that may be a good fit for your interests. If a chapter exists or is inactive, your Operations Director will be able to help you reactivate it!

Be unique.

No two chapters are the same, and each chapter is unique to its community. There is no model that is “one-size-fits-all”. Try a few things out and see what works for your group! 

Don’t get discouraged.

Creating a healthy community is hard work. Sometimes a chapter is created at the perfect moment and people are eager to convene and connect. Sometimes it is just not the right time for a chapter. People may be overwhelmed by the other things going on and may not be interested in connecting with others at that time. We are still an open community, even if you don’t start or belong to a chapter.